September 17, 2024
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ECDAN Program – Early Childhood Development Action Network is on going and its very much open to African nation. ECDAN is Recruiting Six Knowledge Fellows to Study Climate Change in 2024. Feel free to join now before its too late.

ECDAN Knowledge Fellows program creates opportunities for early-career ECD professionals around the globe to receive professional development, mentorship, and networking connections while working on a project that advances ECDAN’s learning goals.

The ECDAN Program – Early Childhood Development Action Network is a global network that has a mission to catalyze collective action with and for young children and their caregivers by connecting and aligning partners, sharing knowledge and good practice, and advocating for better policies, more resources, and accountability for results.

ECDAN Program – Early Childhood Development Action Network was launched in the year 2021 and is based on the belief that supporting early-career ECD professionals to develop their skills, knowledge, and professional connections will not only help them increase their interest in continuing in the ECD field but also enrich conversations in the global ECD sector by elevating their perspectives and voices.

Eligible criteria for ECDAN Program – Early Childhood Development Action Network

There are criteria’s to be met before participation into the Early Childhood Development Action Network program recruitment. To be eligible for the program, Individuals must meet these criteria’s.

  1. Received an advanced degree within the past three years.
  2. Not currently in the process of writing a PhD dissertation.
  3. Available to commit 6 to 10 hours per week from July 2024 to March 2025.
  4. Interested and experienced in the field of ECD.
  5. Comfortable writing and communicating in English.
  6. Willing to meet at least once a month with an assigned mentor and participate in
    monthly cohort meetings.
  7. Experienced with analyzing information from multiple sources and compiling insights in a
    digestible and usable format.
  8. Capable of being self-directed yet responsive to feedback.

What are Knowledge Fellows expected to do?

Knowledge Fellows will fulfill the following responsibilities, under the supervision and with the
support of the ECDAN Secretariat and an assigned mentor:

  • Co-define a Knowledge & Learning project with a clear deliverable.
  •  Develop a project plan with clear methodology, milestones, and timelines.
  • Lead implementation of the project.
  • Gather and analyze relevant research and reference material.
  • Solicit input and feedback from various stakeholders to ensure the project responds to
    identified gaps and needs.
  • Share learning and progress on a regular basis with other Knowledge Fellows in the cohort,
    mentors, and the Secretariat.
  • Complete the agreed deliverable (written work), and ensure it meets quality standards.
  • Prepare and deliver a presentation with the main insights and messages from the project in
    a global dissemination webinar.
  • Provide feedback on the fellowship experience, and contribute to improving the program.
  • Participate in the recruitment and onboarding of the next cohort of Knowledge Fellows, and
    remain connected to ECDAN as ECD champions.

Note: Fellows will NOT be required to collect primary data or complete original research.

How will Knowledge Fellows identify their project?

Knowledge Fellows must propose a project as part of the application process, considering the themes and focus articulated in the application instructions (see below). The Fellow is not necessarily going to complete the project s/he proposes.

The purpose of the proposal is to understand the Fellow’s ability to conceptualize a feasible project and outline how it could be accomplished within the confines of the fellowship.

READ ALSO: Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative (CYFI) Program 2024/2025

After being selected and paired with a mentor, ECDAN will facilitate a three-way discussion to confirm the project plan and deliverable. Fellows are expected to be open to working on a variety of projects, though every attempt will be made to match Fellows with their primary areas of interest and expertise.

Examples of past Fellows’ projects:

  1. Online repository of ECD costing tools with descriptions and advice for users.
  2. Case study of expenditure per child on early childhood education in Brazil.
  3. Analysis of evaluated parenting programs based on their suitability for adolescent parents.
  4. Policy brief on interventions to reduce corporal punishment in low- and middle-income

Also note that the Knowledge Fellow projects may be global, regional, or national in scope, but the insights and
recommendations must be generalizable to a broad audience.

Each project must have a specified target audience, which may be policymakers, implementing government agencies, nongovernmental organization program designers, service delivery practitioners, or funders.

What benefits do Knowledge Fellows receive?

ECDAN program will provide each Knowledge Fellow with the following:

Early Childhood Development Action Network ECDAN Program

  • Financial support of US$3,000, paid in two installments.
  • A seasoned ECD professional, who has expertise in the Fellow’s specific topic area, to
    serve as a mentor and provide guidance throughout the fellowship.
  • Continuous professional development and support from ECDAN’s Secretariat.
  • Peer support through the monthly cohort meetings with other Knowledge Fellows.
  • Networking and collaboration opportunities with other ECD professionals worldwide.
  • Invitation to attend events such as webinars, facilitated discussions, and other learning
    exchanges hosted by ECDAN and its partners.
  • The opportunity to present the final product to global stakeholders in a dissemination
  • Visibility for the Fellow on ECDAN’s website and promotion of the created product.

ECDAN Program – Early Childhood Development Action Network Application process

The application process to ECDAN program is a very straight forward process and i will be showing you below in less than no time. Make sure you have gone through the criteria and eligibility, before you can think of going through this process.

For the interested candidates, you must make sure these process listed below is fully completed before you can hit the application form.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will be accepted until May 31, 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next steps in the selection process, which includes the submission of a writing sample, the completion of an assignment, and an interview.

The fellowship starts in July 2024 and lasts through March 2025. For equity and fairness, no specific questions will be answered on an individual basis; however, there will be an office hours session held on Friday, May 24, at 7:00 a.m. EDT.

If you would like to attend, please use this link: Questions can be sent in advance to and will be answered in that session.

SEE ALSO: SAP Young Professionals Program South Africa 2024 – Apply Now

The ECDAN application process mandates all the interested candidates to,

  1. Generate a project idea underneath one theme.
  2. Develop a project proposal.
  3. Prepare responses to the application questions.
  4. Submit the online application form.

ECDAN Program – Early Childhood Development Action Network Application

To begin the application, First of all, The application has seven main parts: which are,

  1. Personal information.
  2. Confirmation of eligibility.
  3. Personal motivation.
  4. Background information and relevant qualifications.
  5. Project proposal.
  6. Examples of written work.
  7. References.

NOTE: Candidates also can provide any additional information that they feel was not covered and would support their application.

  • Visit the ECDAN application page here,
  • Enter your email (note: A valid Email)
  • Surname/last name
  • First name
  • Fill your gender identity
  • Select the check box of you have met the eligibility criteria
  • fill up other personal data etc. and continue.
  • Answer every question given to you in the application form and hit the submit button.

Having done all of that, the application to the Early Childhood Development Action Network ECDAN Program will be a smooth one.

Also, If  you know anyone interested in the program and wants to be part of this great opportunity, do not hold the information only to your self, spread the word using the share icons below and above your screen.

Applications are now being accepted through June 7, 2024

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