September 17, 2024
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The Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship Program for professional woman is here again and you need to start application before the deadline. I will be telling you all you need to know in this application so you can understand and learn how to get started immediately.

If you have been asking questions like, what Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship program for professional woman is about. Then this next paragraph will explain everything for you.

The OneWoman Mentorship Program is for professional women who are ready to take the next step in their careers. This isn’t just about individual success, it’s about a collective rise. By equipping women with the skills and confidence to lead, we empower them to build stronger companies, a more vibrant economy, and a nation brimming with possibility.

Have you tried to Imagine a Nigeria where women shatter glass ceilings not with a crash, but with a resounding boom. Where leadership isn’t just a title, it’s a symphony of talented women shaping the future. This is the vision of the OneWoman Mentorship Program for Professional Women.

Key Benefits Of Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship Program for professional woman

There are lots of benefits you stand to gain if you enroll in this mentorship program. This paragraph will be showing us those benefits. Just read through to understand.

  • Access to Expert Mentorship: Gain guidance from experienced professionals who are committed to supporting your personal and professional growth journey.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse community of like-minded women, fostering valuable relationships and collaboration opportunities.
  • Nation Building: Contribute to building a stronger, more prosperous nation by harnessing the full potential of women leaders in various sectors and industries.

You can as well visit the official webpage to know more. Click here now to access the page

Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship Program Application

I will now be listing the steps for applying to Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship Program, its a very simple exercise. All you need to do is follow up all the steps i will be giving out and you will be smiling at the end.

Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship Program for professional woman

To start the application, you must make sure you have an internet connection working strongly. Then  start up by first;

Also Read: DOT Global Youth Leadership Advisory Board (GYLAB) Application

  1. Visiting the official webpage which has been giving up above,
  2. Select the apply now button
  3. start by entering your Full Name
  4.  Email address
  5. Phone number
  6. Age Bracket
  7. Your Location
  8. Sector/Area of specialization
  9. Years in profession
  10. Educational qualification
  11. Training/professional qualification
  12. Mentorship Goals
  13. You will also need to answer some questions like (Can you devote minimum of 2 hours a week for the next 6-8 weeks for this program?)
  14. Do you have a Sterling Bank account?

After you are done with all these, then you go ahead and click the submit button and boom you have successfully enrolled.

Application Deadline: The Application deadline for Sterling Bank 2024 OneWoman Mentorship Program for professional woman is May 3rd 2024

Feel very much free to tell us your mind and thoughts using the comment section below and also do not forget to share using the social sharing button on your device.

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